As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the year 2020 was filled with uncertainty and unemployment. Many have lost their jobs. Those who are still employed are left with a feeling of unease while they wait for potential layoffs. According to the Congressional Research Service, the unemployment rate peaked in April 2020 at levels (14.8%) that had not been seen since data collection began in 1948. While that rate has declined, it remains high and sits at 6.7% nationwide and in Bernalillo County.

Because of this, more than ever, the promise of a stable career in a steady industry is more attractive and valuable than it’s ever been. The employees of Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center don’t have to worry about losing hours. They also don’t have to worry about losing their job because of factors out of their control.
Taking Back Control
So, why is a stable career so valuable in 2021? It goes beyond the peace of mind that comes with job security.

A stable job provides a consistent work schedule. This gives you more control to be able to plan your life outside of work. There’s also the reliability of knowing when you have time off, when you have breaks, and when you’re getting paid. The stress and fear of the unknown can take its toll over time – jobs like ours at MDC take away those worries.

In a time with so many unknowns, it’s more important than ever to get control of your life for your health, your family, and your future. The best place to find that control is with your career, which will positively influence every other corner of your life. Now is the perfect time to explore a job with MDC.