MDC Physical Fitness Training Guide
Before beginning any exercise program you should consult your personal physician to ensure that you are healthy enough to engage in any type of physical activity. These programs are only samples and you should not begin this type of training unless you have consulted with your doctor.

Aerobic Power – 1.5 Mile Run
The best training program is one that requires the individual to do long, slow distance running. The remedial program is generally designed to increase distance, then reduce time to produce the training effect.
Basic Program
The schedule below is a proven progressive routine. If the individual can advance the schedule on a weekly basis, then proceed to the next level. If the individual can do the distance in less time then do so.
Week | Activity | Distance | Time | Frequency |
1 | Walk | 1 mile | 17-20 min. | 5/week |
2 | Walk | 1.5 mile | 25-29 min. | 5/week |
3 | Walk | 2 miles | 32-35 min. | 5/week |
4 | Walk | 2 miles | 28-30 min. | 5/week |
5 | Walk/jog | 2 miles | 27 min. | 5/week |
6 | Walk/jog | 2 miles | 26 min. | 5/week |
7 | Walk/jog | 2 miles | 25 min. | 5/week |
8 | Walk/jog | 2 miles | 24 min. | 5/week |
9 | Jog | 2 miles | 23 min. | 4/week |
10 | Jog | 2 miles | 22 min. | 4/week |
11 | Jog | 2 miles | 21 min. | 4/week |
12 | Jog | 2 miles | 20 min. | 4/week |
Successive weeks | Jog | 2-3 miles | 20-30 min. | 3/week |
At the completion of the program, have the individual test him slash herself for the 1.5 mile test period if they do not meet the standard, continue the last week’s (week 12) distance (2 miles) but reduced time by 15 seconds per week.
Special Program for Individuals Who Are Extremely Obese, Inactive And/Or Have Cardiovascular Disease
Week | Activity | Distance | Time | Frequency |
1 | Walk | .5 mile | 12min. | 3/week |
2 | Walk | .5 mile | 10 min. | 3/week |
3 | Walk | 1 mile | 22 min. | 3/week |
4 | Walk | 1 mile | 20 min. | 3/week |
5 | Walk | 1 mile | 19 min. | 4/week |
6 | Walk | 1 mile | 18 min. | 4/week |
7 | Walk | 1.5 miles | 29-30 min. | 4/week |
8 | Walk | 1.5 miles | 28 min. | 4/week |
9 | Walk | 1.5 miles | 26 min. | 5/week |
10 | Walk | 1.5 miles | 24 min. | 5/week |
11 | Walk | 2 miles | 32 min. | 5/week |
12 | Walk | 2 miles | 31 min. | 5/week |
13 | Walk | 2.5miles | 38 min. | 5/week |
14 | Walk | 2.5miles | 37 min. | 5/week |
15 | Walk | 3.0 miles | 48 min | 5/week |
16 | Walk | 3.0 miles | 47 min | 5/week |
17 | Walk | 3.0 miles | 46 min | 5/week |
18 | Walk | 3.0 miles | 45 min or less | 4/week |
Anaerobic Power – 300 Meter Run
The best training program is to perform Sprint training, especially interval Sprint training.
Basic Program
The first step is to time the individual for an all out effort at 110 yards. This is called initial time or IT.
The second step is to divide the IT by .8 to get a start training time. Then follow the schedule below:
Week | Training Distance | Number of times to sprint, Repetitions | Time for the Sprint, Training Time | Rest period between sprints, Rest Time | Frequency |
1,2 | 110yards | 4 | .80 into IT minus 2-3 sec. | 2 min. | 1/week |
3,4 | 110yards | 5 | .80 into IT minus 5-6 sec. | 2 min. | 1/week |
5,6 | 220yards | 6 | .80 into IT times 2 | 2 min. | 1/week |
7,8 | 110yards | 4 | .80 into IT times 2 minus 4 sec. | 2 min. | 1/week |
9,10 | 220yards | 4 | .80 into IT times 2 minus 4 sec. | 2 min. | 2/week |
Successive weeks | 4 | 220yards | .80 into IT times 2 minus 4 sec. | 2 min. | 1/week |
After the completion of the program, have the individual retest him/herself on the 300 meter run. If they do not meet the standard, continue the last week’s (week 10) distance (220 yards) but reduced the time by 4 seconds per week.
Special Program for Individuals Who Are Extremely Obese, Inactive And/Or Have Cardiovascular Disease
First step. Don’t start this training until the individual has completed the specific aerobic training program for the 1.5 mile run and is on a running schedule.
The second step is to time the individual for an all out effort at 55 yards. This is called initial time or IT.
Week | Training Distance | Number of times to sprint, Repetitions | Time for the Sprint, Training Time | Rest period between sprints, Rest Time | Frequency |
1,2 | 55 yards | 4 | .80 into IT | 2 min. | 1/week |
3,4 | 55 yards | 5 | .80 into IT minus 1-2 sec. | 2 min. | 1/week |
5,6 | 55 yards | 6 | .80 into IT minus 4-5 sec. | 2 min. | 1/week |
7,8 | 110 yards | 4 | .80 into IT times 2 | 2 min. | 1/week |
9,10 | 110 yards | 4 | .80 into IT times 2 minus 4 sec. | 2 min. | 2/week |
11,12 | 220 yards | 4 | .80 into IT times 4 | 2 min. | 1/week |
13,14 | 220 yards | 4 | .80 into IT times 4 minus 4 sec. | 2 min. | 2/week |
Successive weeks | 220 yards | 4 | .80 int IT | 2 min. | 2/week |
Absolute Upper Body Strength – 1 RM Bench Press
The best training program is a weight training program which requires access to weights. If weights are not available, see push up remedial program.
Basic Program
The first step strong> is to determine the maximum weight the individual can push up one time.
The < strong>second step strong> is to determine 60% of that weight. This will be a weight the individual can do for 8- 10 repetitions. Use the schedule below; if the individual can advance the weight, do so.
REPS (repetitions) = the number of times the exercises performed (number of lifts of the weight)
SETS = the number of times the series of reps are performed.
Week | Weight | Sets | Reps | Frequency |
1 | 60% of 1RM | 1 | 8-10 | 3/week |
2 | 60% of 1RM | 2 | 8-10 | 3/week |
3 | 60% of 1RM | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
4 | 60% of 1RM | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
5 | 60% of 1RM plus 5 lbs | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
6 | 60% of 1RM plus 5 lbs | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
7 | 60% of 1RM plus 10lbs | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
8 | 60% of 1RM plus 10lbs | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
9 | 60% of 1RM plus 10-20 lbs | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
10 | 60% of 1RM plus 10-20 lbs | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
Successive weeks | 60% of 1RM plus 5 lbs/week | 3 | 8-10 | 3/week |
Special Program for Individuals Who Are Extremely Obese, Inactive And/Or Have Cardiovascular Disease
This program is identical except the percentage to use is 40% of the 1RM. Once the individual advances to week 10, have him/her move over to the basic program.
Upper Body Muscular Endurance:
Maximum Push up Test
Maximum Sit up Test
The best training program is to perform calisthenic push up exercises. However, bench press program will aid in improvement in this area as well.
Basic Program
The first step strong> is to see how many push ups the individual can do in a minute. That will become the initial training repetition dose or ITRD.
REPS (repetitions) = the number of times the exercises performed (number of lifts of the weight)
SETS = the number of times the series of reps are performed.
Week | Sets | Reps | Frequency |
1 | 1 | ITRD | 3/week |
2 | 2 | ITRD divided by ½ | 3/week |
3 | 3 | ITRD divided by ½ | 3/week |
4 | 3 | ITRD divided by ½ plus 2 | 3/week |
5 | 3 | ITRD divided by ½ plus 4 | 3/week |
6 | 3 | ITRD divided by ½ plus 6 | 3/week |
7 | 3 | ITRD divided by ½ plus 8 | 3/week |
8 | 3 | ITRD divided by ½ plus 10 | 3/week |
Successive weeks | 3 | ITRD divided by ½ plus 10 adding ½ additional reps/week | 3/week |
Special Program for Individuals Who Are Extremely Obese, Inactive And/Or Have Cardiovascular Disease
The same program is followed, only instead of using the push up as the exercise, the modified push up is utilized. Once the individual advances to week 4, move him/her over to the basic program.
Agility – Illinois Agility Run
The best training program is one that requires the individual to do sprint training requiring serpentine movements around obstacles.
Basic Program
The first step strong> is to time the individual for an all-out effort at 60 feet with 6 obstacles @ 10 feet apart.
- Sprint 60 feet
- Turn and serpentine around obstacles for 60 feet
- Turn and serpentine back through obstacles
- Turn and sprint back to starting line
This is called initial time or IT.
The second step is to divide the IT by .80 to get a starting training time. Then follow the schedule below:
Week | Training Distance | Number of times to sprint, Repetitions | Time for the sprint, Training Time | Rest period between sprints, Rest Time | Frequency |
1,2 | 60 feet | 4 | .80 into IT | 1 min. | 1/week |
3,4 | 60 feet | 5 | .80 into IT minus 1-2 sec. | 1 min. | 1/week |
5,6 | 60 feet | 6 | .80 into IT minus 4-5 sec. | 1 min. | 1/week |
7,8 | 30 feet | 4 | .80 into IT divided by 2 | 1 min. | 1/week |
9,10 | 30 feet | 4 | .80 into IT divided by 2 minus 2 sec. | 1 min. | 1/week |
Successive weeks | 30 feet | 4 | .80 into IT divided by 2 minus 1 sec/week | 1 min. | 1/week |
At the completion of the program have the individual retest themselves on the Illinois Agility Run. If they do not meet the standard, have them continue the successive week routine.
Special Program for Individuals Who Are Extremely Obese, Inactive And/Or Have Cardiovascular Disease
Do not start this training until the individual has completed the specific aerobic training program for the 1.5 mile run and is on a running schedule. The same routine would be followed.
Leg Power – Vertical Jump
The best training program is to perform a program of plyometric exercises.
Basic Program
The first step is to select one jump, one bound and one hop – 3 total plyometric exercises.
The second step is to perform each exercise with one set of 10 repetitions, 3 days a week. Do the repetitions ballistically without stopping.
The third step is to rest 3 minutes between each set of each exercise.
Week | Exercise | Sets | Reps | Rest | Frequency |
Double leg vertical jump Double leg tuck jump Alternate leg bound Double leg hop Single leg hop Double let speed hop Double zig zag hop | 1 | 10 | 3 min. | 3/week |
At the completion of the program have the individual retest themselves on the vertical jump. if they do not need the standard, have them add an additional jump or hop to their weekly routine.
Special Program for Individuals Who Are Extremely Obese, Inactive And/Or Have Cardiovascular Disease
Do not start this training until the individual has completed the specific aerobic training program for the 1.5 mile run and his honey running schedule. Start the individual out with just one plyometric jump exercise and add exercises according to the schedule below:
Week | Exercise |
1 | 1 jump |
2 | 1 jump and 1 bound |
3 | 1 jump and 1 bound |
4 | 1 jump, 1 bound, 1 hop |
5 | Sustain |